The Journey of Insulin: Leaving a Legacy as a Medical Student


  • Ahmad Al-Sukaini Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Preston, UK.
  • Muhammad Aslam Qureshi Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, West Yorkshire, UK.
  • F Suker University of Nottingham Medical School, Nottingham, UK







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Author Biography

Ahmad Al-Sukaini, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Preston, UK.

 Dr Ahmad Al-Sukaini is currently a foundation year 1 doctor at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. He completed his undergraduate MBChB at University of Leicester in 2015, where he intercalated and was awarded a Master’s Degree in Oncology (Distinction) at University of Manchester. He was awarded numerous research prizes, including MCRC bursary, undergraduate elective Prize and BMDST elective research award. Dr. Al-Sukaini is also the series advisor of "Clinical Handbook" and has published a number of books including "Rheumatology: A Clinical Handbook".


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How to Cite

Al-Sukaini, A., Qureshi, M. A., & Suker, F. (2016). The Journey of Insulin: Leaving a Legacy as a Medical Student. International Journal of Medical Students, 4(1), 40–41.