Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction: Applications in Diagnostic Microbiology


  • Kordo B.A. Saeed Royal Hampshire County Hospital, Winchester, UK.
  • Nusreen S. Ahmad Health Protection Agency and Southampton University Hospitals Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK.



Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Reagent Kits, Diagnostic, Molecular Diagnostic Techniques


The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has revolutionized the detection of DNA and RNA. Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR) is becoming the gold standard test for accurate, sensitive and fast diagnosis for a large range of infectious agents. Benefits of this procedure over conventional methods for measuring RNA include its sensitivity, high throughout and quantification. RT-PCR assays have advanced the diagnostic abilities of clinical laboratories particularly microbiology and infectious diseases. In this review we would like to briefly discuss RT-PCR in diagnostic microbiology laboratory, beginning with a general introduction to RT-PCR and its principles, setting up an RT-PCR, including multiplex systems and the avoidance and remediation of contamination issues. A segment of the review would be devoted to the application of RT-PCR in clinical practice concentrating on its role in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases.


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How to Cite

Saeed, K. B., & Ahmad, N. S. (2013). Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction: Applications in Diagnostic Microbiology. International Journal of Medical Students, 1(1), 28–36.


