2023 IJMS WCMSR Agenda: The stage is ready for the 2023 IJMS World Conference of Medical Student Research

3 days left for the live 2023 IJMS World Conference of Medical Student Research #WCMSR
This WCMSR is a unique opportunity for medical students and recent graduated physicians to present their research to an international audience. The Conference agenda is ready. We selected from over a 100 abstracts the top 40 to be presented, from over 30 different countries. This 2023 edition of the WCMSR is going to be an amazing opportunity for students to connect and share their work.
We look forward to see you in the audience this October 7th 2023 at 8 AM EST. Even if you are not participating in this conference, you may attend the live event as part of the audience. The WCMSR will be held on the Journal's YouTube channel. We will be awarding the most voted presentation (among others) so make sure to tune in and make your vote count.
Conference agenda: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qnEmAMSixc7sYAIFP-AF6-2wlCm2NJQzB7MA_Am20tA/edit#gid=959830085
If you have any queries or need assistance, please visit our website or contact conference@ijms.info.
Don't miss out this opportunity to learn from medical students and observe what students from around the world are achieving.
Register Here! We are looking forward to your participation and remember to share this fantastic news on social media: Facebook, X, Twitter, Youtube, and Linkedin.